Collaboration drives strategic success

Thinking team concept as an inclusive business success metaphor for collaboration impacting strategic success
Thinking Team Concept as an inclusive business success metaphor for creative teamwork and diversity strategy with 3D illustration elements.

Some ideas bear repeating to get the message across.  Collaboration is one of them.  If we reflect on research, our own observations and the experience of successful people and organisations it is clear that collaboration is key to success. 

Patrick Lencioni said “Teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.”

The process of collaboration begins with the humility to accept that we may not have all the answers ourselves.  It takes hold with the confidence to act based on broad consensus and move forward together, adapting as we go.

Sometimes we are familiar with the story but hearing it told in a different way makes it resonate anew.  Here is that story through the lens of Whakataukī – Māori proverbs.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini

My success is the success of a collective.

Even the CEO of a large corporation strongly focused on profits knows that they cannot achieve their goals without many teams across many locations all playing their part.  Effective communication and an enabling culture empower that collective to deliver. 

Tē tōia, tē haumatia

Nothing can be achieved without a plan, workforce and an agreed way of doing things..

Success requires an operating model and strategy implementation plan built on successful collaboration. That requires communication, co-ordination, aligned processes and systems and collective effort.  It also requires agreement on how action will be taken and measured.

Whaiwhia te kete mātauranga

Fill the basket of knowledge.

Knowledge is key to both personal and organisational growth. One key determinant of long-term strategic success is the ability of an organisation to absorb external knowledge – absorptive capacity.  That requires structures and systems that support the acquisition, sharing and effective use of knowledge – including a collaborative culture.

I have many LinkedIn 1st connections who are deeply experienced in their field but still reach out to keep filling their basket of knowledge.  I acknowledge their areas of expertise and I share a few of their names below. 

Gabor Holch, Intercultural leadership

Vip Vyas, Author of Gorilla in the Cockpit

Robin Speculand, Strategy execution

Alicia McKay, Leadership and strategy speaker

Stacey Barr, Performance measurement

Antonio Nieto-Rodriquez, Project management

Robin Mann, Best practice

Asma Al Janahi, Excellence communicator 

Please share the people with whom you collaborate in the comments.

Phil Guerin, Consultant, Hague Consulting Ltd. © Hague Consulting Ltd 2023.

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