How does ERP add value in a property business?

Hologram of suited figure holding tbalet with holograms of business icons hovering above it

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system can help a property business deliver its strategy. It is up to each business to decide what that means. How does ERP help deliver strategy? Strategy delivery may mean ERP or any system is not a magic bullet No ERP or other property system is a silver bullet for…

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The Value for Money (VfM) gap

Unicyclist on tightrope bridging value for money gap

What is the Value for Money gap? The value for money gap is a lack of confidence that money is being spent on the right things and in the best way to get desired outcomes. It arises when spending choices do not reflect perceived priorities and when spending is seen as wasteful. It is subjective…

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Back office key to delivering strategy

Operators controlling aircraft to symbolise key role of back office

The back office is key to delivering strategy. Operational excellence is a deliberate state created by people, processes and systems aligned to create value. It doesn’t happen by accident. We know that making back office functions work better is more effective than wholesale cuts. Optimising back office operations is strategically important. In fact, a well-designed…

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ERP return on investment (ROI)

Stylised flat image of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems promise benefits but it takes time and effort to achieve the promised results. You need a recipe for success. An ERP system return on investment (ROI) is not guaranteed. In 2012, Auckland city forecast a NZ$10 million per year return on its SAP ERP system investment of NZ$71million. By 2014…

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Benefits are at the centre of change

Benefits are at the centre of change. Organisations change because of the promise of benefits, or beneficial outcomes. Benefits matter. Disruption is worthwhile to gain efficiency, increase revenue, reduce cost, increase security, achieve growth, solve a big problem or create new products and services. We all like benefits which is why business cases are full…

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Is digital transformation real?

Is digital transformation real? Are the benefits achievable? Every few years there is a new management fad. How do we separate the hype from the value? We look at what digital transformation promises and what it delivers, so let’s do that. What is digital transformation? The full incorporation of computer-based technologies into your organisation’s products,…

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Optimisation is more than a buzzword

Optimisation is used a lot in marketing. It can be a meaningless buzzword but it does have a real meaning that matters. Optimisation makes the best use of a situation or makes a thing as good or effective as it can be. If we all did that, we could produce more with less. That would…

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Creating value is what really matters

The purpose of organisations is to create value.  That seems obvious but if you take a close look at most workplaces you will see lots of time and money spent on things that don’t add value.  Remote decision-making holds up work. Inventory ties up cash. Property is underutilised.  Smart people can’t contribute fully.  Processes aren’t…

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Organisational Improvement – 4 operating modes

Improving organisational capability is critical to raise productivity. Organisational improvement occurs in different ways. The language of disruption is common but true disruption creates new markets and industries.  Most firms don’t do that.  They adapt and change but they do so on a smaller scale.  Four Operating Modes for Organisational Improvement I find that organisations…

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Process Maps: The Importance of Clarity

Business process maps are a high-level visual representation of the flow of a business process and the different people, teams, or organisations involved in it. These diagrams help simplify complex processes. A process map lets anyone see, at a glance, how things happen and who does what without any prior subject area or technical knowledge.…

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